“Just say ‘no’” is still the right idea but has been replaced with “Delay, delay, delay” - a concept that feels more palatable for today - and one that is so important for adolescent and young adult brain health.
Parents need to understand updated (21st century) basics on alcohol and other drugs:
Adult addiction is now seen as a childhood onset disease
90% of adult addicts started using something before 18
A child has a 50% greater chance of becoming addicted, if addiction runs in their family
Parental influence in a teen’s decision to use or not use is statistically significant
3 drugs are now seen as “gateway drugs” for adolescents = marijuana, alcohol and nicotine
Use of one (marijuana, alcohol or nicotine) statistically indicates more use of the others
Parents need to understand addiction
3 videos for your own edification and/or to share with your kids
10 things parents can do to help keep their kids safe from addiction.
Why Wait 21? Because drinking before 21 significantly increases your risk for addiction. Learn how addiction works and what you can do to prevent it.
This kid and parent friendly video explains how repeated substance use can hijack brain function, and the importance of delaying use until the brain has fully developed...
Reducing Further Rates of Adult Addiction Must Begin with Youth Prevention - Dr. Robert DuPont
Click Here for Full Original Commentary and here for Updated Commentary
Dr. DuPont has been a leader in drug abuse prevention and treatment for 50 years. He was the first Director of the NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse - NIDA and the second White House Drug Chief. Throughout his career, Dr. DuPont has written over 400 professional articles for publication and 15 books and monographs. He is a distinguished member of countless organizations trying to reduce drug abuse, i.e. American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), the American Psychiatric Association (APA), the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). With degrees from Emory and Harvard, Dr. DuPont also maintains an active practice of psychiatry specializing in addiction and anxiety disorders and has been a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Georgetown University School of Medicine since 1980.
No drugs or alcohol in high school - is it possible?
We might be the problem
Did you know parents of today used more alcohol and marijuana in high school than their kids do? Today’s kids use differently, which is important to understand, but this might be contributing to some parent uncertainty around drugs & alcohol.
In 2019, 31.4% of high school seniors had not ever (NEVER) used any drug including alcohol as compared to 1983 when 2.9% had never used any drug including alcohol
In 2019, 59% of high school seniors had not used any drug including alcohol in the past 30 days. “Past 30 day use” is Prevention’s definition of a “user.” Survey respondents can fall in and out of “30 day use” We look forward to this number continuing to increase as more kids chose not to use - as they have since 1983, when it was 16%.
Parents need to support these healthy choices being made by so many kids across the county. We can start by dropping that “kids will be kids” attitude and examining our beliefs about “alcohol and drugs being a rite of passage” – click for additional perspective (video)
NIH: Providing Alcohol for underage Youth: What messages should we be sending parents? Click here for details. In summary, kids that drink at home were more likely to: drink more, drink in other places, and drive after drinking. Underage substance use does not serve our youth.