Marijuana 101 - Understanding Marijuana & Marijuana Products - is a presentation for high school students. Below are sources of information on certain slides
Slide 22
Mental Harms -
Slide 23
Emotional Harms
Slide 24
Physical Harms
Slide 26
Can I overdose or die from marijuana?
[1] Dr Christine Miller – MillerBio
[2] National FARS data 2017
[3] Marilyn Heustis research
Slide 28
Kahoot (Marijuana & Your Brain) -
Slide 33
What goes in a vape pen? - Source: Human Relations Media – drug fact pack
Slide 34, etc
Vape brand information -;
Slide 32, 37-42
2017 - Stanford Tobacco Toolkit
Slide 43
*Study out of Birmingham England, published in Thorax Journal
Slide 44
CDC Webinar weekly; California Bureau of Cannabis Control & Stanford Tobacco Toolkit
Slide 49
California Healthy Kids Survey data (Marijuana - past 30 day use – local school district)
Slide 52
Kahoot - Marijuana Forms & Potencies -
Slide 54
Now and Then Video, must be purchased -