Everyone in Colorado told us to vote no on Prop 64
Legalization = commercialization
Know the drug
Marijuana is Addictive
Marijuana and the Brain
Today's Pot is very different from pot of the past
The Teenage brain is easily damaged by marijuana
Communicating with Your kids
Hard to type in so i started the text to make it easier for you
Hard to type in so i started the text to make it easier for you
Legislation - How marijuana WOrks in Your State
Five Fatal Flaws of Prop 64 in California
In CA, you have given up your rights to live in a pot-free community.
Parent Movement 2.0
Why a pledge?
A pledge launched the first Parent Movement in the 1980s, but we’ve also found this pledge helps parents find a common thread through what they believe about substances and how they want to parent relative to substances.
Today there are so many priorities and so many things we have to parent; and it’s different for every family. Parents can use the common understanding found in the “I’m in” Pledge with their families and among friends.