Peer To Peer Education is a

One Choice - the Public Health Standard is NO use of drugs or alcohol before 21. This is NOT about driving, but about BRAIN DEVELOPMENT and long term HUMAN HEALTH

In case you need a summary to go with it –  

One Choice Prevention by the Institute for Behavior and Health is re-framing the goal of youth substance-use prevention as One Choice: no use of any alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, or other drugs by youth under age 21 for reasons of human health. One Choice is a clear health standard based on three key facts: 1) the developing brain is uniquely vulnerable to substance use, 2) for teens, all substance use is related, and 3) a growing number of teens are choosing not to use any alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, or other drugs. The One Choice Prevention Toolkit is a resource that provides information, guidance, and materials to create a strong drug-use prevention message that can be used by and/or shared with students and parents in your community. (

One Choice Prevention is an initiative of the Institute for Behavior and Health. We are re-framing the goal of youth substance use prevention as One Choice: no use of any alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, or other drugs by youth under age 21 for reasons of health. One Choice is a clear health standard based on three key facts: 1) The developing brain is uniquely vulnerable to substance use. 2) For teens, all substance use is related. 3) A growing number of teens are choosing not to use any alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, or other drugs. The One Choice Prevention Toolkit is a resource that provides information, guidance, and materials to create a strong drug use prevention message that can be shared with students and parents in your community. (

Herren Project Clubs

Games by ADAPT - links kahoots, jeopardy, RX myth, support/faclitator docs, training videos? MJ 101 - Students (DCB P2P Training) -

Marijuana & your brain Kahoot -

MJ 101/Forms & Potencies Kahoot -

Alcohol Jeopardy -

RX – Myth vs Fact - .ppt

11/16 (meeting) - P2P meeting 11/18 - debrief on training, RRW recap - show video and talk about poster - hear what it was, dates for HSD, icebreaker thanksgiving, any updates on LTGTBWasted - is this a good project for P2P club 

J/A- Fact or crap into P2P section

J/A - Matthew videos – mj and depression and psychosis

J/A - modules - what are their names? 

Mentor USA

"exquisitely choregraphed dance of neurotransmitters" - Dr. Balen (NIDA); flooding  the system, changes the dance, if done over and over flooding can change the actual structure of the brain

brain has not been designed to handle dopamine spikes over 10

8-9 hours of sleep

foundation of prevention is understanding the brain (drug details can come later) and it's evolution

perception of harm = use; hand in hand/mirror image since 1975 (MTF) - this worries

 A night in jail

  •  Neurowhereabouts

  •  Peer Education page (P2P) and maybe curriculum pages;; herrenprojectclubs; onechoice, meds coaltion work;

  • - parenting booklet

  • "norming" for parents

  • Catastrophic events changes behavior - luggage and baggage handling after 9-11; TSA tracks every bag and where it moves thru the airlines system; my name is printed on my luggage tag.  "MJ legalization is a catastrophic event" and it means parenting behavior must change - it's no longer negotiable - no drugs and alcohol in high school

  • School partner – who can say the hard stuff to parents - , districts really need to be saying to parents - no drugs and alcohol in high school.  it's a tough thing to say and might jeopardize relationships, can PM2.0 say it for them?  Amy Mc, what do districts need i.e. curriculum rating, P2P ideas/connection, parent education

  • Peer 2 Peer expert/expertis 

Everybody has a Youth Advisory Council!! Apply to the National Youth Advisory Council (NYAC)!

CADCA believes that having a NYAC is a chance to promote diverse youth voices, create a youth-adult partnership, have youth speak on behalf of youth and CADCA, be CADCA ambassadors and grow in their leadership skills. CADCA also desires to increase the knowledge of youths on topics such as substance misuse, equity, and mental, social and physical health by leading projects and programs, as well as having and giving presentations and trainings.

National Advisory Youth Council members must be 14-18 years of age on December 1, 2021. Members must serve a two-year term (September 1 until August 31, 2023) and cannot serve more than one term. NYAC members are expected to participate in a certain number of meetings and activities throughout the two years. Learn more here.

’Living the Example’ (LTE) is our peer-to-peer program that empowers youth to speak up and out against drugs and provides them a platform to be heard. Through interactive outreach campaigns and listening to our youth, we provide the tools to become their own advocates for staying drug-free

One Choice Prevention by the Institute for Behavior and Health is re-framing the goal of youth substance-use prevention as One Choice: no use of any alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, or other drugs by youth under age 21 for reasons of human health. One Choice is a clear health standard based on three key facts: 1) the developing brain is uniquely vulnerable to substance use, 2) for teens, all substance use is related,  and 3) a growing number of teens are choosing not to use any alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, or other drugs. The One Choice Prevention Toolkit is a resource that provides information, guidance, and materials to create a strong drug-use prevention message that can be used by and/or shared with students and parents in your community

One Choice Prevention by the Institute for Behavior and Health is re-framing the goal of youth substance-use prevention as One Choice: no use of any alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, or other drugs by youth under age 21 for reasons of human health. One Choice is a clear health standard based on three key facts: 1) the developing brain is uniquely vulnerable to substance use, 2) for teens, all substance use is related, and 3) a growing number of teens are choosing not to use any alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, or other drugs. The One Choice Prevention Toolkit is a resource that provides information, guidance, and materials to create a strong drug-use prevention message that can be used by and/or shared with students and parents in your community