Common Falsehoods Heard About Legalizing Marijuana
/It will raise valuable tax revenues – Legalization will raise some taxes – much less than promised -- and legalization will significantly increases costs.
Read MoreIt will raise valuable tax revenues – Legalization will raise some taxes – much less than promised -- and legalization will significantly increases costs.
Read MoreSometimes compared to the repeal of prohibition of Alcohol, Marijuana Legalization defined in California’s Prop 64 is nothing like it:
Read MoreColorado Governor – “We are not making any extra revenue from this [legal MARIJUANA]…we’ve spent millions and millions of dollars and we still haven’t gotten [people] to realize you’re taking some serious risk [when consuming marijuana], certainly as a teenager, when your brain is still growing so rapidly.” John Hickenlooper, Governor of Colorado
Read MoreOddly, the idea that marijuana might have a positive affect on the opioid crisis floats around. There is no evidence for this…
Read MoreBesides a single marijuana plant needing a minimum of 6 gallons of water a day and most indoor grow sites using enormous amounts of electricity to keep grow lights on 24 hour a day to create a non-stop growing cycle, the environmental practices of most in the marijuana industry are loose at best.
Read MoreHemp is proclaimed by many as the most useful plant to ever be grown - with potential uses in every category of products. This is an exaggeration.
Read MoreSome well-meaning advocates and law makers mistakenly believe that offering a drug user a place indoors to use their preferred drug is helpful and relieves a serious public health issue.
Read MoreTake a few minutes to watch the chronic state trailer, put together by drug free idaho in conjunction with a variety of partners across the country. The full video is below
Read MoreWe need to commonly understand a few terms to have a useful discussion about decriminalization.
Read MoreLegalization and three factor that come with it - increased “access” to marijuana, reduced “perception of harm” and increased “visibility” - change the calculus of drug use.
Read MoreSome people think, “kids use pot, because it’s forbidden.”
Read MoreThis is a question only a parent or family can answer, but we consistently hear stories from parents:
Read MoreTalking with Teens
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